About Cerebral Voyage

Unbiased, yet opinionated, Cerebral Voyage is a standards-based publication with an aim to be reliable & relevant. It is a blog which presents an open-minded perspective on diverse topics including technology, self-hosted home labs, automotive, personal finance, music, pets, philosophy & life hacks.


The goal of Cerebral Voyage is to organize knowledge & present opinions in a systematic & contextually appropriate sense.

Photo by Ken Cheung on Unsplash


One of the founding principles of Cerebral Voyage is providing relevant opinions, whilst remaining unbiased. It's a tough line to walk, but we are up for the challenge!

The content we publish is intended to be informative and useable. We adhere to a set of rigorous editorial standards that provide a consistent, reliable & open-minded perspective on the topics we cover.

Our approach is based on a set of values to be realistic, inclusive & to always innovate where needed.


♦ Simplify what's complicated.
♦ Summarize what's detailed.
♦ Establish a stance where there is no direction.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay


Read more about the genesis & evolution of Cerebral Voyage.